Multiple Hypothesis Testing
When testing multiple hypotheses, by simple chance, you might end up having a few spurious results: you thus need to adjust for multiple hypotheses testing.
The issue is that in classical testing, errors are measured on a per-hypothesis
level. In the multiple testing setting, two proposals that quantify the error rate
over a collection of hypotheses are,
- Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER): This is defined as the probability that
at least one of the rejections in the collection is a false positive. It can be
overly conservative in settings with many hypothesis. That said, it is the
expected standard of evidence in some research areas.
- False Discovery Rate (FDR): This is defined as the expected proportion of
significant results that are false positives. Tests controlling this quantity
don’t need to be as conservative as those controlling FWER.
The Methods
Methods for multiple hypotheses testing include:
- Bonferonni Correction
- Benjamini-Hochberg Correction (BH-q)
- Benjamini-Yekuteli:
A few other methods are worth noting:
- Simes procedure: This is actually always more powerful than Bonferroni,
and applicable in the exact same setting, but people don’t use it as often,
probably because it’s not as simple.
- Westfall-Young procedure: This is a permutation-based approach to FWER
- Knockoffs: It’s possible to control FDR in high-dimensional linear models.
This is still a relatively new method though, so may not be appropriate for day-to-day consulting (yet).
When should you use one vs another?